John McCain

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Joe fucks off

Post by critter »

What are you talking about, Joe. Have you seen Bush's military records? It's funny how you lash out at anyone with a contrary point of view. You're a vile little worm of a man, aren't you?

Fuck off, Joe!
Joe Ribaudo
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High Flyers.........

Post by Joe Ribaudo »

"I've never been a Dutch Hunter... Or a miner...


Critter "
That's no real surprise to anyone here. 8O It was obvious from the start you weren't really interested in the topics on the LDM Forum. Creating a puffed-up image of the man you imagine and wish you could be, is your real focus. To do that, you must tear everything and everyone around you, down to your own level. That works fine over on the druggie site, but no one is impressed here.......except maybe Brad and pip.

The common thread for all three personalities consists of trying really hard to impress people with how bright and impotent you are. In the process of working towards that minimal goal, you have only succeeded in looking foolish.

This would be a great time for the three of you to fly back to Never, Never Land. You know the way, right? Second star on the right........Ya, you know.....It's just on the other side of that cloud of smoke. :? :lol:

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Post by critter »


Are you hitting the pain killers, now, tsk tsk. Please let the record show that Joe has lost the plot. Say, what? Again?

Maybe I should take lessons on how to read Ignoramous, because that seems like the only language you know.

I've never been a Dutch Hunter, but I have been to the Dutchman and know far more about minerals and mining than you could hope to gain in your next lifetime. It's a play on words, dipshit. I've never been a Hunter because I only FIND lost things, and this one wasn't the first. And anyone who knows two shits about Dutchman lore knows that that feat will only be done by "No Miner". Have I spelled the meaning out for you yet, or do you need the Cliff Notes, Dumbass.

You are such a miserable fuck, Joe.

Fuck off, Joe!
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Post by critter »

Joe, you've dodged the question...again. Have you seen George W. Bush's military records? Come on, ante up with some of those "facts" you claim to have, but never tell. Have you seen George W. Bush's military records? I'll give you a big hint: It's either "yes" or "no".

Fuck off Joe!
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Fucking Joe even harder

Post by critter »

You see, folks, this is classic Joe behavior. First, he convolutes your post into some kind of paranoid psychotic delusion, insults you, dodges the question, runs away declaring victory, and then claims to have all the facts afterwards. Sorry Joe, I'm just not buying into your little games. You're completely lost, mate. Completely fucking lost.

Fuck off Joe!
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Shit For Brains

Post by lazarus »


Joe is a coward. He does what cowards do.

By the way...

George W. Bush has now surpassed Harry Truman, for the longest, lowest poll numbers of any U.s. president in U.S. history.

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Post by lazarus »

Joe wrote:

The common thread for all three personalities consists of trying really hard to impress people with how bright and impotent you are. In the process of working towards that minimal goal, you have only succeeded in looking foolish.

that little rant fits you perfect. This is all about you, isn't it, shit for brains. You are the out of control egomaniac around here. You act like you know all the answers, but in fact, you are a fraud. You have never found shit, and you sure as hell can't read the Stone Maps.

judging by Joe's remarks, he still thinks you and I are one person. I assume he also thinks the Earth is flat.

Stupid is as Joe does.

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Re: High Flyers.........

Post by pippinwhitepaws »

Joe Ribaudo wrote: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This would be a great time for the three of you to fly back to Never, Never Land. You know the way, right? Second star on the right........Ya, you know.....It's just on the other side of that cloud of smoke. :? :lol:

Joe Ribaudo
the only smoke around here is that blowing out your ass...

the only drugs i have in my possession are those sent to me by the department of veteran affairs...and i don't/won't do those...fool.... and i can't flush them due to the ecological damage from inserting these chemicals into the water table.

i suggest you back away from the Oxycontin universal veteran.

also..just an update...i spoke to the deputy chief of police about your dutchman site this past sat...described the condition your friends left the you claim knowledge of the you posted pictures of the site destruction...stupid criminal takes on a new meaning with photography...
he went on to tell me how two deputies up here were arrested, imprisoned and are still paying off that 40,000 dollar fine...tisk tisk...
they, like you, believed they had 'special' rights to rob archaeological sites.

remember, paranoia is unjustified fear.
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Nice Post......

Post by Joe Ribaudo »

Hi Pip,

That was a very nice post. I was shocked that you could write without using your habitual four-letter words. I appreciate your thoughtful consideration as it was a pleasant change of pace.

Glad to hear you are off the drugs, and can't help but wonder if that isn't what accounts for the demeanor of your last post. Regardless, It's a good thing.

"They, like you, believed they had 'special' rights to rob archaeological sites."

Not sure where you got that idea, but if it makes you feel better to believe that, by all means let's not rock your boat. You are going to the wrong people with your complaints. The first thing you should learn, is the jurisdictional thingie. That will speed up the process of your agenda, whatever it is.

It's much easier to believe you are not Brad/critter, when you don't write exactly like them. I believe as long as you come to this forum with a clear head, we will get along just fine. Along those lines, the topic is John McCain. :wink:

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Post by pippinwhitepaws »

[email protected] rather like 'rush' the beacon of normal....
you know why he is called 'rush'? that is his motivation...another rush...
you dribble on about others doing rush, and is your behavior that is suspect...i bet you chuck pill after pill of prescription meds down your over sized throat with alarming regularity...

too sick...

and i do understand just whom the photographs need to be email too....
amazing how many federal agency are involved in protecting our national treasures.
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Getting It Right......

Post by Joe Ribaudo »


I don't really care how much of a fool you make of yourself. If you would like Scott's phone number.........?

So far, only one person has offered to help clean up that mess, which I have never personally seen.......and that would be me. I did not take the pictures, nor do I know for a fact who made the mess. Many people have visited that site, and the list is very Dutch Hunting circles.

You, on the other hand, are an outsider who came here looking to stir up trouble. You joined Peter's site with the same agenda, only to be slapped down in both places. You could calm down and learn something, but you already know everything.

I don't take any drugs other than Metformin twice a day for my diabetes. In truth, I try to take as little Aspirin and Tylenol as possible.

Getting back to John McCain, how long did you have to wait on the tarmac? :)

Joe Ribaudo
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Post by pippinwhitepaws »

must be hell being a liar and a theif...too sad for you
i waited to see mccain as long as it unlike you...everyone was proud of him.
you sure demand on topic when it is your agenda punk....i notice that some one slapped you for off topic comments on the other site...but you think you walk on water...

knowledge of a crime is a crime.
somepunkassdeputy you are. typical bullie hiding behind a badge/association with the people who are actually bonded.

you're one sick motherfucker. :lol:
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Post by pippinwhitepaws » forget...i grew up in those mountains...unlike 98% of the so called i am the outsider makin a fool of myself? ok....i am sure you are more comfortable with that delusion...
i knew cox..i knew rose...i knew olsen and so many other members of the outdoor community as to make your punkassdreams wet.
someone posted it was difficult to believe a 15 year old was wandering around in those mountains...good...i hope it is difficult for anyone to grasp reality...and then insult those who actually did the act.
too fuckin funnie.
it is a excellent example of the state of modern psychiatry that you're not in some padded room...

oh..and to paraphrase mc cain's own words...for those who have degraded his residency of arizona..." i was in the air force...air force personnel move around a lot."
you see punkassjoe...not everything you think is reality.

go ahead an back peddle on your position of that fithly mess your buddies left out at that mine site...unless you can delete the pages i have downloaded from the are fucked little man.

and why would i want anyone's phone they give good head?
Joe Ribaudo
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No Kidding????

Post by Joe Ribaudo »


I take it from your last post, that your supplier finally showed up. :lol:

"knowledge of a crime is a crime"

That's really a brilliant statement. Are you saying, because I watch the news, I am guilty of all the crimes they report?

The "tarmac" story didn't turn out exactly as you planned.....did it? :lol:
I was going to ask you if you got to shake McCain's hand, or get his autograph, but you got exposed to quickly. :x

Did you ever decide if it was McCain or someone who just looked like him?
Who were the other people waiting for.........the double? :lol:

Please keep posting. You are a laugh a minute. :D

Joe Ribaudo
Joe Ribaudo
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Lookin In All The Wrong Places.

Post by Joe Ribaudo »


"and why would i want anyone's phone they give good head?"

It's about time you came out with your true agenda here. Sorry, I can't help you in finding your soul mate.

Why would anyone believe you have ever even seen the Superstitions after your obvious lie about meeting John McCain's plane at Sky Harbor when he returned from Vietnam.

Everyone is still laughing at that monumental fib, but Hillary called and said she might use it. :lol:

So far, you have offered nothing in the discussions about the LDM or the Superstitions Mountains that you couldn't find on the Internet. Got a picture........with you in it? This is where you start dancing. :roll:

Joe Ribaudo
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Post by pippinwhitepaws »

exposed? your a sick motherfucker punkassjoe...where is your proof mccain was not at sky harbor? you have none...only one of your punkassbuddies saying it was not true...

that is rich.

supplier? again with the ignorant slurs... your sick...

you have personal information on a crime, not from a telivision posted so in the ldm poll..remember punkassjoe?
oh that's walk on water..that is why you live in lake havasu...what time of the day to you do your display punkassjoe?

go ahead an play you're sick fuckin game...quite a number of people see through you and you're ignorance.

what a punk. wonder why no one fragged you...perhaps they knew what i are not worth the effort.
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Many People.....

Post by Joe Ribaudo »


"quite a number of people see through you and you're ignorance."

The problem is that most of them are in your mind, like the John McCain story. Just an overactive imagination and an overblown opinion of your dreams.

Could it be that you just don't like me? I don't see how that could be. I am one of the few people who still carries on a conversation with you....admittedly the intelligent part of that equation only comes from my side of the discussion, but I think it still counts. :?

Quit making all your silly little threats. If you need the pictures on a CD, I will be happy to provide soon as Brad sends me the ore sample from the LDM. After all, he made the offer on his own. Will he be coming out to play soon? I miss his light hearted humor. Come to think of it......I miss yours to. 8O

Your threats are as phony as the rest of your posts. Maybe you should talk it over with John time you two get together. :lol:

Joe Ribaudo
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Post by pippinwhitepaws »

again..all evidence...tisk...

all you can do is insult....too sad. i guess it really bugs you when people who actually lived in those mountains call your bluff...and have an education to back it up. are a waste of time...and it annoys me that good people have to share oxygen with criminals like yourself.
send the cd to peter at the main office of the forest in flagstaff...i bet he doesn't bother with 'threats'
and it is not a is a promise..and like all keep changing your story...and how you came by the knowledge of the crime.
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Post by lazarus »


how in the world does the ore sample relate to the rest of your last post?
Furthermore, if I'm a crazy druggie, what makes you think the sample is worth waiting for?

In the past, I have posted photos of the pit with the twenty inch wide vertical vein clearly exposed, and the photo never drew a single comment. You have no idea what you are looking for.

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Post by lazarus »


by the way...
I was wrong about the maps.

You see, for years I have stated the maps contained clues, codes and directions but no real hidden messages. I was wrong. There are indeed, hidden messages I have not solved. These messages do not pertain to the location of the mine itself. They seem to relate to another location nearby,
an area which has obviously been mined. In fact, I once found a very old wooden device hidden among thick brush that looked like it was right out of the De Re Metallica. I did not move it, and although I know where to look, it is very, very hard to locate. This is also the area where I found the old frying pan handle, which turned out to be much older than I thought.

So far, I haven't put much time into solving the hidden message, and I'm not sure I'll ever figure it out. I have stood where it indicates, and boy oh boy, something is up, but I have no idea what.

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Post by lazarus »


those shitbags you call heroes have been implicated in more war crimes. You obviously have no respect for humanity, or you wouldn't support the actions of warmongers.

You are a shameful excuse for a human being.

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Post by NeedleMan »

Hey Lazzy Bradhole,

You talking about shitbags like Jimmy Carter meeting with known Hamas Terrorists right now?

What a Terrorist lover complete Idiot and War Monger!!!!!!!!

You leave Joe alone [email protected] he's a good person and your a we little excuse of human garbage butt boy!!

Pick on me brown eye.

Now go snort that line of courage you need so badly Bradley!!

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Post by pippinwhitepaws »

wow. needledick....a perfect post to present ignorance and racism.

you do know the first act of modern terrorism in the middle east was the israelies blowing up the king david hotel? that one-eyed bastard who was elected president of israel?

you do realize the U.S. trained and armed the terrorists who now have you cowering in fear?

that in the mid 70's the rand group presented a paper, the thesis: that 'modern war' between nuclear states, would be conducted by 'terrorits groups' thereby minimalizing the threat of nuclear war?

your ignorance surpasses even that of punkassjoe. impressive.
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Post by lazarus »

Needle Man,

what happened to that last post of yours? It's all over the place, and yet, it goes no-where.

You simply do not possess the intellect necessary to hold my attention. I go after Joe like I do because I think he is smart enough to know better. You, I do not.

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Post by lazarus »


Obviously, you have never read the Cheney Energy Task Force documents. Those documents are proof the invasion of Iraq was about oil, and was planned six months before the 9/11 attacks. These are the most damning documents I have ever viewed.

Yesterday the value of the dollar dropped to a new all time low. The economy has tanked, the deficit is the highest in history, and the price of gas continues to rise.

Meanwhile, the unlawful invasion of Iraq has caused the deaths of over 300,000 innocent Iraqis whom we were supposed to be protecting. More US citizens have died in Iraq than on 9/11 and over 300,000 US soldiers have suffered irreversible brain trauma.

You claim no terrorist attacks have occurred in the US since 9/11, but it isn't true. You completely overlook the anthrax attacks which have never been solved. Prior to George Bush, nothing like 9/11 had ever occurred on
the US mainland. Bush handled the situation disgracefully.

I have no sympathy for ignorant warmongers, nor do I have any patience for fools like yourself.

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