Is it legal to search for the LDM?

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Re: Is it legal to search for the LDM?

Post by Somehiker »

Hi Hawkshaw:
Times have changed.Your idea of a solitary existence in the Superstition Wilderness might be rather difficult to put into action,especially now that hunting and hiking seasons are underway.Lots of folks out there during the cooler weather,not so many when it's over 100 though.Supplies and water can be a problem,unless you have a vehicle.If that vehicle is observed in one place for too long,it may cause concern and possibly a search and rescue effort.Rules and regulations have a way of getting in the way of one's best laid plans as well.I believe that there is a 14 day max on camping within the wilderness,for example.Digging stuff up is also frowned upon as well.
Welcome to the world of lost mine and treasure hunting.We may not be able to keep what we find,but we sure can have some fun looking for it anyway.Beats the hell outa playin bridge and hanging around the shuffleboard park.
Since you seem a bit wet behind the ears,may I also suggest that you can also visit the other two popular websites where many of us also engage in lively discourse. ....all things about the desert southwest .....the discussion forums .....all kinds of treasure from sunken galleons to grandma's hope chest.

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