Edgar Cayce clues to the LDM

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Edgar Cayce clues to the LDM

Post by redison »

I found this while surfing the Net following LDM hits.
For anyone that thinks they are close to finding the LDM this may give you the final clues you need to know where to dig.

It is a bit confusing at first but the more you study it the easier it gets to sort out Cayce's words.

There are some final clues here that I have never read anywhere else. I don't know much about Cayce or his creditability, but the information presented is still interesting. Some of it even seems to make sense.

Edgar Cayce Readings, 3638-1
READING 3638-1
M 39

This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 1st day of February, 1944, in accordance with request made by the self - Mr. [ 3638 ], new Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., recommended by Coronet.

Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [ 3638 ] and Harmon Bro.
Time: 4:30 to 4:45 P. M. Eastern War Time. TEXT GC: You will have before you [ 3638 ] present in this room, and his enquiring mind, together with the gold mine discovered by Pedro Peralta and later worked by Jacob Walz know as "The << Dutchman>> ," in Pinal County, in the central portion of the State of Arizona. There you will find a high peak known as "La Sombrera" or "Weavers Needle". In Needle Canyon, a canyon running north from the base of the peak, you will find a large Saquaro cactus, marked, or that has been marked by four stones stuck into the trunk. From this marker, you will tell us exactly how far and in which direction to go to find the gold mine now known as "The << Dutchman>> ," describing in detail all landmarks from this marker leading directly to the mine. You will then answer the questions, as I ask them:
EC: Yes, we have the enquiring mind, [ 3638 ], present in this room; and those conditions that exist as legends and those as realities pertaining to the << lost>> mine or << Dutchman>> Mine.
In undertaking directions for locations of this from the present conditions, many things should be taken into consideration - as to whether descriptions would apply to those periods when this was put in the way of being hidden and/or those that would apply to the present day surroundings.
For time in its essence - while it is one, in space there has been made a great variation by the activities of the elements and the characters that have been in these areas.
For these are held as sacred grounds by groups who have, from period to period, changed the very face of the earth or the surroundings, for the very purpose of being misleading to those who might attempt to discover or to desecrate (to certain groups) those lands.
As we find, if we would locate this - from the present outlook:
We would go from the cactus marked here, in Canyon, some 5, 10, 20, 30, 37 1/2 yards to the north by west - north by west - to a place where, on the side of the hills, there is a white rock - almost pure white - almost as a triangle on top.
Turn from here - for you can't get over some of the ground going directly to the east - turn almost directly to the east, and just where there is crossing of the deep gulch, we will find the entrance to the Dutch Mine. This has been covered over, though to begin at the lower portion of the gulch we would find only about six feet before we would reach pay dirt in gold.
Ready for questions.
(Q) How rich is this vein?
(A) It's rich enough to work. About, at the present rate, five to six thousand dollars a ton.
(Q) Describe the type of ore.
(A) Impregnations with loose gold.
(Q) Is it covered over? If so, by what?
(A) Rock, very much like the surrounding country.
(Q) How deep is it from the surface?
(A) If from the surface, about eight to ten feet. If you want to get to it, commence at the lower edge of the Canyon and work under it - towards the east, see?
(Q) Give instructions for placing monuments and filing claim?
(A) That must be done from the material angle. Just so there's taken in enough to include all this area for about a thousand yards each way. [See 11/29/71 Newspaper Clipping in 3638-1, Par. R7.]
(Q) Give any further information about other mines in this group which may be helpful.
(A) We would give plenty of them here - the silver mine in the << Lost>> Sheep, which is over the hill on the other side towards the border, you see, that's the most valuable mine in Arizona.
We are through for the present.
Copy to Mr. [ 3638 ]
Copy to Ass'n file
BACKGROUND 1/25/44 Mr. [ 3638 ] obtained a Physical Reading for [ 3588 ].
REPORTS 3/12/44 [ 3638 ]'s letter to EC:
..., La.
Mr. Edgar Cayce Virginia Beach, Va.
Dear Friend:-
Please forgive me for delaying so long to write you. I have worked so hard catching up with work that piled up while I was gone that when night came I was just too exhausted to write.
Did you enjoy your vacation? I hope that you did, and that you returned refreshed to tackle the work that I KNOW had piled up during your absence.
No matter how much I wrote I could never tell you how much I enjoyed my stay there, for you and Mrs. Cayce were just grand to me. Nevertheless the time was entirely too short for me for I feel that I could never tire of listening to your experiences. There is not much that I can write that I think could be of interest to YOU! But, please, if you ever think of me, when you have time, drop me a few lines telling of some experience just as you think of it and as you talked to me.
On Feb 24th I did manage to find a carton to pack and Ship the typewriter in. Hope you received it Ok?
Have been fretting continually because I haven't been able to get away to Arizona as yet but the way things are shaping up now, I expect to get away right after the first - about the 3rd or 4th. Wish me luck for both of us!
Please thank Harmon and Mrs. Bro for me and tell him that I think of him often and wish him the best of everything.
With warmest regards to you both, I remain
Your friend, [ 3638 ]
3/17/44 EC's letter to Mr. [ 3638 ]:
Mr. [ 3638 ] ..., Louisiana
Dear Mr. [ 3638 ]
Thanks very much for your letter of the 10th [12th].
Yes, I had a very nice little trip to Florida, where I had a very nice visit with Mr. Sugrue and his family and friends; then had a pleasant stay of several days with my sister and her husband. Came home feeling fairly well, and then everything seemed to explode in my face, and I have been entirely out of the running since about the 14th of February. Just got started back to work really, yesterday.
Now you can very well imagine how the work has piled up on us here. Not only the regular as comes in from day to day, which still numbers a hundred or more most every day, but all of these back readings are to be taken care of in some way. I hope I don't become "panicky" and I trust the delay has not been too hard on most of those that have been seeking information. Although I know a delay for many of them has been most disappointing. A few have gotten over-anxious and said something, not too unkind, but I might think they didn't quite understand, and I'm sure I don't understand them.
I assure you your stay at the beach was enjoyed by everyone here, and hope that it proved not only interesting, but really beneficial to you in many ways.
Want to thank you for the typewriter that you sent. It arrived in good shape, and I am in hopes that we will be able to use it to an advantage and in a helpful way for someone.
I hope things work out for you in a most satisfactory manner and when it is the right time you will be able to go on with your work out in Arizona and that you find just what you want. You know if there is anything or anyway that we can be of help, we will be glad to try.
Harmon is coming along very nicely. He has just completed the booklet on physical readings, the paper intended to prepare individuals better for what they might obtain through their own physical readings. I think it is a very nice contribution to the data that the Association has and is trying to prepare to be helpful to others. [See 3901-1 Reports.]
Thanks again for everything, and let us hear from you.
Sincerely, Edgar Cayce EC/gm
8/25/44 See EC's letter to Mr. [ 1561 ] under 1561-11 , Par. R10 indicating that Mr. [ 3638 ] was also interested in the << Lost>> Sheep Mine in Arizona.
10/08/44 [ 3638 ]'s letter to EC:
New Orleans, La.
Mr. Edgar Cayce Virginia Beach, Va. Dear Friend:-
It's shameful to start a letter with an apology so I'll not do it.
I made the trip to Arizona in April but ran into difficulties that were unsurmountable and had to return home unsatisfied. I didn't write you because I wanted to see you again and tell you about it personally, (and I do hate to write). Have had to postpone the trip several times but now I have tickets purchased and reservation secured for Wednesday Oct. 11th and feel confident will be able to get started THIS time. My wife will be with me and we will arrive the morning of Friday, 13th. (O - O - just noticed it - Jinx day!)
Have been receiving the weekly bulletins and enjoy them very much. There is food for much thought in each one and I hope you will never have to discontinue them. Which reminds me that there must be quite an expense in preparing and mailing them so I am enclosing a contribution for this good work.
Looking forward to again seeing you, I remain,
Yours Sincerely, [ 3638 ]
10/11/44 GD's wire to [ 3638 ]:
Mr. Cayce ill - will be away from home several weeks. Sorry. Gladys Davis, Sec'ty
7/26/60 See Thomas C. King's letter in re 3638-1 under 1561-11 , Par. R31 regarding << Lost>> Sheep Mine in Arizona.
11/29/71, Monday, Article in Ledger-Star:
PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) - A century-long search for the legendary << Lost Dutchman>> Gold Mine may be nearing an end.
The U.S. Forest Service has proposed a five-step management plan which would virtually halt exploration on the western slopes of the Superstition Mountains, a rugged, desolate range east of Phoenix towering 4,000 feet above the desert floor.
Legend has it that an old << Dutchman>> , Jake Walzer in some stories, blasted the mine's entrance closed in the 1870's because he realized he was dying and could never return to his treasures.
Some stories say the old << Dutchman>> left millions of dollars in solid gold bars which had been stolen earlier in the century. Others say he tucked Spanish treasures into the tunnels, while still others say he discovered solid veins of pure gold while carving his way into the Superstitions.
Whatever is there - if anything - the Forest Service says it has interested too many persons, and that fortune seekers using everything from bulldozers to shovels are scarring the barren mountain range.
The Forest Service proposal would prohibit campers and prospectors from living in the area and establish rigid guidelines to control treasure hunters.
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Edgar Cayce

Post by Knun »

Edgar Cayce was well known for his ability to provide instructions for holistic treatments. He received his instructions while in a trance like state during "readings."

His treatments proved to be quite effective. In fact, the monies he received for readings were enough to pay for a Holistic Center which still operates today in South Carolina I believe.

Every reading drained him and towards the end he was bedridden for days afterward. He died at a fairly young age from his readings so they say.

Believers were delt a severe blow in the 1990's. He is the one who predicted that California would fall off the Coast (and we in AZ, would have beach front property). Unfortuneatly, it did not happen as predicted....Yet.
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Post by TGH »

Last edited by TGH on Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by zentull »

Cayce died in 1945 at 68 If I remember correctly. He was also known to snore during his trances.
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