Getting close to the Lost Dutchman...

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Getting close to the Lost Dutchman...

Post by CamperG »

After much research, I have concluded that the lost Dutchman mine is not "a" mine, but a series of 4 to 6 mines in the same general area. So where is this area in question. Again after much research and study, I believe the highest possibility is 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile southeast of the 4.5 mile marker just off the newly constructed Weavers Needle Base Hiking Trail. The stone maps are key. The have been proven to be at least 100 years old. If they are a hoax, it's a hoax started over 100 years ago at much effort. Something which I seriosly doubt. NOBODY has THAT much foresite. Comments?
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The Pudding

Post by charlie »

The proof is always in the pudding.

What have you done to test your theory. That is all it is untill the find/mine is found.

This fall I will be in the area investigating other interests. I hope to check out a small part of the Superstitions while in the area.

What/when/how will you be testing your theory? On second thought, report after the trip...., why warn anyone you are coming....
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Post by CamperG »

When I told my wife I'd start the search, she said OK but that this "Gold Mine Thing " must pay for it's self. The first trip I made on foot with back pack and canteen (6 miles each direction there and back). The second trip to the site was made in a brand new (used) motorhome equipt with CB Radio, Ham Radio, Satilite TV, 200 channel scanner etc... The first trip had more than paid for everything needed for the second if you get my drift. However, can't get the RV any closer than I did the Pick up Truck. The final leg still has to be done on foot.
Last edited by CamperG on Mon Jun 09, 2003 9:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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But then....

Post by CamperG »

Walts was employed by the Vulture Mine near Wickenburg. Officially that mine drew out over 200 million in Gold however some estimate that over 400 million or more were stolen by it's employees like Waltz (Dutchman). Since over the years 18 men got hung for such deeds at this ONE mine, some believe Waltz made the whole story up about the mine he found near the Superstions just to avoid getting his neck stretched, and to keep those looking for the real gold going in the oposite direction. Could it be that little has changed in the past 150 years? Is the REAL motherload in the Superstitions or in the opposite direction twords Wickenburg. This is the REAL question... I know the answer as do many others (obviously). One possible answer of corse could be BOTH PLACES. I've NEVER been alone there. Our family calls it the "Sweet Spot". Notice I call it "the" sweet spot, and not "Our" sweet spot. It's fair game to anyone with half a brain. And if you find it...who cares. It was never mine to start out with. My last time out there I ran into a couple of gents that insisted they were there looking for exotic rocks for their yard, as they grinned from ear to ear. Sure, and I walked the six miles just for the fresh air. No claims, why advertise? Besides there's plenty for everyone. If you have the brains to figure it out and the physical endurance to get there, you deserve the find as much as the next guy. Since 99.9999% of the public couldn't read a map if their life depended on it. And the average citizen isn't very bright (and half of them are dumber than that) it's all quite safe enough. Aaaaaaa it's nice being only 39 years old and all ready retired.
Last edited by CamperG on Tue Jun 10, 2003 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by walker12 »

Call me skeptical but something doesn't ring true about your posts. You start with a "getting close" comment. You then include a "highest possibility" (not a you found something post) description as to the location(s). You also put forward the proposition that the stone maps are real because they are old. Not that they are real because you have found treasure using them which would be the true proof. No, you claim that they are real because they are old. You also have graciously told the world where you think the gold is. This is a highly unusual move, let alone for a person who in a later post wonders "why advertise?".

Now you actually have found gold, bought a motor home, and retired all in the space of 3 days. Give me a break.

Surely with your new found wealth you can afford a camera to take a picture of your ore. To paraphrase the "Jerry McGuire" catchphrase - "Show me the ore", or Troll another site.
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Post by CamperG »

The posts are over a period of three days, however I can asure you the events depicted in them are not. Skeptical? Well many things in life are like that. Heres another example.... Have you ever been on the Apache Trail about 4:45 in the morning and seen Hickers COMMING BACK to their cars and throwing their gear back in thier cars? Did you just blow it off as simply being people who like to hike at night? Let me clears this up for you. EVEN THE MENTALLY ILL DOSE NOT HIKE IN A SCOPION/RATTLESNAKE INFESTED DESERT AT NIGHT. (Unless there is something there which out weighs the risk). If a guy fills his backpack with 6 kilos of nuggets has he found the Lost Dutchman? An old Cache? Or just some gold washed clear from a recent heavy rain? How dose one know for sure? Or how about this one... that perfectly graded dirt road just south of the Vulture mine. You HAVE to have been down it a time or two. No one can honestly call them self a serious searcher without taking the trip. It goes about two miles then theres a Pad locked gate (even though it's registered as public/government land}. Hmmmm... that's not right...why the locked steel gate? Did you just say "OH well", and turn back. Or did you lock the hubs, tighten your belt, spin the barrel of your six shooter, and put the pedal to the metal with a Rebel yell and make your own road through the rough. Real ivestigators are willing to put it all on the line. Then when you do the follow up in the books (in places the likes I look in) you learn that the owner of the very modest looking Vulture Ranch right next door is in fact the 4th richest man in the entire state!!! We first met when he pulled my 4x4 out of a wash attempting to do just that. "Find much gold out here?" I asked. his face went white as Lance his ram rod hooked the chains from his back hoe to my Chevy. "Nope, not a flake". The structures of Vulture mine loomed in the distance as a 100 year old lie detector. Right then and there, I knew as with the Apache Trail, this is a trip best done on foot and under the cover of darkness. The point is...If you look only where THEY want you to look, and go only where THEY want you to go...then you will find only what THEY want you to find. Did I find gold near the Apache Trail or in that forbidden area west of the Vulture? Only the IRS knows for sure. Good luck and good hunting. Hope to meet up with you... someplace where others dare tred. Near the Turtle and the 4 circles.
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Post by walker12 »

I have never seen hikers from the Apache Trail as the ones I am familiar with are smart enough to go to the trailheads. I have been on many night hikes and indeed have hiking friends who mainly hike at night in the summer due to the cooler temperatures. Also, if you are looking for locked government fences you don't have to look very far at all. Using your logic, government buildings wouldn't even have locks on the doors.

As for you being a serious searcher, I think this quote of yours tells it all - "If a guy fills his backpack with 6 kilos of nuggets has he found the Lost Dutchman? An old Cache? Or just some gold washed clear from a recent heavy rain? How dose one know for sure?" I am certainly no prospector. However I think even a novice such as myself could easily tell the difference between a mine, a cache and a placer deposit.

The one thing I will agree with you is that there is some diminished mental capacity showing in these posts. No doubt your take on who has it is completely different than mine.
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Post by CamperG »

There are people in this world who are complete and utter pessimists. Folks who for some unknown reason defeat themselves before they even get started. Those who because of their own inability of sucsess, automatically assume the rest of the world is as they are. Frustrated and without drive. Lonely and without hope. Those who will dissagree with everything simply for something to do, trying desporatly to raise thier own self esteem in a sorryfull attempt to justify thier own pittyfull exsistance. God love them. They are the reason the rich get richer, and the poor just get poorer... It matters not what I write here, or what facts I produce, you will dissagree with them. That is quite all right. After all, I'm the one with the gold, and you are the one with the... obvious envy.
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Post by Peter »

<<Those who will dissagree with everything simply for something to do, trying desporatly to raise thier own self esteem in a sorryfull attempt to justify thier own pittyfull exsistance. >>

Camper G,

I am sure you have a truck-load (or two) of gold lying about somewhere.
You might consider selling a nugget from your hoard to purchase
a good dictionary. The above sentence is so rife with misspellings (and poor grammar), that the point you are attempting to make seems to miss the mark by a tad. Perhaps you should try to only write words with 1-3 letters? You seem to handle those ok.

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Post by Wiz »

Yes, it's true. We're all miserable scum with a terminal case of "minus envy" because you found the gold and we didn't. I guess I should shoot myself immediately, given the hopelessness and desperation of my pitiful, meaningless existence.

Thanks for all the great psychological advice! I finally have direction in my life! It's all so clear now! I wanna "be like G"!
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Post by Peter »


Wiz is back.

I missed your biting wit. It's almost (tho not quite, being that I am from NY) on a par with my
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Post by CamperG »

It didn't take a dictonary to find a set of mines that aren't even covered up or hid in any way. Several truck loads would have to be the understatement of the century. All taken to LA and San Diego using a California ID insted of an Arizona one. The Superstions is just a decoy. Always has been, and guys like me still use it for that use. Any idiot can see that the stones are not a map of the Superstions and the Witch is not Weavers needle. Weavers needle is so small it's not even worthy of mention on a map. The river however is the Salt. But it's much, much further up on the San Carlos Apache Reservation.
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Re: Getting close to the Lost Dutchman...

Post by Wiz »

CamperG wrote:After much research, I have concluded that the lost Dutchman mine is not "a" mine, but a series of 4 to 6 mines in the same general area. So where is this area in question. Again after much research and study, I believe the highest possibility is 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile southeast of the 4.5 mile marker just off the newly constructed Weavers Needle Base Hiking Trail.
So how does the above posting jibe with this quote from your first posting?
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Post by Peter »

<<The river however is the Salt. But it's much, much further up on the San Carlos Apache Reservation.>>

Camper G,

Ah, I understand fully now. You have carted away "truckloads" of gold from open mine shafts found on the San Carlos Apache Reservation.

I assume this is with the tribes permission? :lol:

Tracy L Hawkins
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Close to the mine

Post by Tracy L Hawkins »

Gosh ! And I was under the impression Crazy Jake was dead ..
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Post by walker12 »

To recap, this has gone from "getting close", to 6kgs of nuggets and now truckloads. The source was in the Sups, then near the Vulture mine, now it is on the Gila Reservation. I can hardly wait until the ore is coming out by the trainloads from New Mexico. I would like to go down to the station and watch the railcars go by. Either that or it might be fun to throw some rocks in the hole and listen to how long it takes for them to hit bottom (assuming of course I can find some gold nuggets small enough that I can lift them). Either way it might give me some hope and cure my loneliness.

Then again just reading this unfolding tale is amusing enough for me.
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Post by zentull »

Joe Ribaudo
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Free Stuff

Post by Joe Ribaudo »

No ginsu knives?

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Post by zentull »

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