Printing this site
Printing this site
Can anyone help me? <br>I've mentioned before that I'm PC-challenged. I'd like to print the contents of this bulletin board, without having to open each posting and click "print". Anyone know if/how this can be done? There's some great stuff here, and I've had it happen before that I find a great, informative site just to have it disappear. I'll do it the hard way if I have to, but being lazy, I'd rather find an easy way! <br>Thanks in advance!
Hi Hiker. <br> There are a couple things that can be done. <br> First--depending on if the webmaster can do it--I've seen forums that give you the option of seeing the whole page like you see on this site, OR seeing the whole page at once. That is, all the messages in their entirety in a single, long scrolling page. BUT, I don't know how doable this is. I do websites, but don't know how difficult this option would be to implement on this site. In fact, I'm suggesting this primarily in the hope that the webmaster reads this, and then if he CAN do this, then we could all print from this single page format, and then we could go on to the new processes like registration, etc, giving us a chance to copy all the entries before they're wiped out. <br> Second (and this one's probably the way you'll have to go), open up MS Word or other word processor, start a new blank document, then toggle to this site, and open up the message you want to copy. Move your mouse over where you want to start copying the text, then click your left mouse button. Hold this button down and move your mouse to follow the rest of the text. This will highlight the text. When you have what you want highlighted, right click anywhere on the still highlighted text, then select "COPY", then toggle back into your word document, right click on the blank page, and select "PASTE." Go back to the site, and repeat on the next message. Keep copying and pasting until you have a good several-page list of all the messages in the order you paste them. Sounds tedious, I know, but after a few messages, you'll get in a "groove" and will be able to the whole thing (what, 9 pages so far?) in probably less than an hour. <br> By the way, this process will save a lot more paper and will be much more organized than simply printing from each message. <br> Not very good options, I know. But, I too have seen forums lose their messages from different causes, and wished there was a way to retrieve all that info! I still do the copy-paste routine on forums like this one. <br> Hope this helps! <br>nick