Rose Quartz

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rose gold

Post by bill711 »

Jow; We were talking about books not letters that somebody said.... 8O Bill 8)
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rose quartz

Post by bill711 »

Jow; you are putting words in my mouth, I was not deridding Dr. Golver. YOU accused me of deridding dr. glover. I still do not see anything in holmes manuscript that I would beleive. OH I did say he was your idol tho. Nothing more. or insinuated period. So don,t get on your high horse with me. 8O bill 8)
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Re: rose quartz

Post by Wiz »

bill711 wrote:TGH; I think probley Mitchell was the 1st to say rose gold in a book. He was looking for treasure stories that were real when he was young and he couldn,t find any? Why? Because there were none! He found 1 book on lost treasure I beleive he Mitchell said. He after many adventures put out a book with the help of the milton roses father who had a printing press. Joe and his idol dr. blover do not like the mitchell BUT they just love brownie,s manuscript which is full of crap. BUT if you do not mind tell me what was spooky about the peters canyon? strange rocks= dead trees, what??? Bill 8)
I don't recall Dr. Glover having anything negative to say about John Mitchell. On the contrary, it seems to me that he considered him to be the real deal. I doubt the good doctor would want to get involved in this thread to confirm or deny this.

The 1933 Mitchell book is certainly the definitive one. His later book is nothing but a pile of stories a la Barry Storm, and not really worth reading except for entertainment. But the first one is pretty bare-bones and unadorned. One should read that one before making up their mind about Mitchell.

I've been where TGH referred to (I'm sure most of us have). I don't know if I'd call it creepy, but the silence, the shadowy steep-walled canyon, the sense of history that hangs over the area, these all lend a certain spookiness to it, if you're open to these kinds of impressions. If not, it's just a canyon. Personally, I am sensitive to those things, and it greatly enhances my enjoyment when I visit places like that.

Finally: why don't you guys knock it off? It seems like if Wyatt isn't here for you to gang up on, you fall to biting each other like a pack of dogs, just to have someone to insult. Take it offline. Let's discuss the LDM here.
Joe Ribaudo
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Post by Joe Ribaudo »

"Finally: why don't you guys knock it off? It seems like if Wyatt isn't here for you to gang up on, you fall to biting each other like a pack of dogs, just to have someone to insult. Take it offline. Let's discuss the LDM here."


I have no doubt you are correct here. I hope you don't take this as a "dog bite", but why would you drag Wyatt back into the conversation? :?

I consider Bill to be a friend. We seem to be able to disagree without any knife wounds. I think we can muddle through this topic without resorting to physical violence. 8O

I don't think you will have much luck removing (human) personalities from this site, but good luck with the effort. :lol:

You often misunderstand people with strong opinions, as being confrontational because they voice them. Bill and I are not trying to get a fight going here, but just having a conversation with clear statements so that our positions and opinions are as obvious as we can make them.

I, for one, do appreciate your efforts as peacemaker, but there is no war for you to work on between Bill and myself.

I am not sure where I left the topic, but this post seems to be about something other than the LDM. I will attempt to focus on the topic at hand in the future. :wink:

Your praise of Mitchell's first book has convinced me to purchase a copy.
Thank you for that input.


Joe (Rabid) Ribaudo :lol:
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rose quartz

Post by bill711 »

see see Wiz, I told you he was a mad dog... Bill 8) 8)
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Wyatt Westwood
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Post by Wyatt Westwood »

Right on Joe!

Woof! :x

Bite um Boy! 8O

Wait a Minute, don't you jump on that Wyatt pile to? :P

Can't we all just get along? :wink:

Kuum by yaa? :)

Har Krishna? :)

Peace? :)
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rose quartz

Post by bill711 »

www; close your asswipe and get back in your place. :twisted: bill 8)
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Wyatt Westwood
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Post by Wyatt Westwood »

Bill at 711 said:

www; close your asswipe and get back in your place. bill

Wyatt says:
My Asswipe is Charmin and if I fold it over when done wiping it makes a good shit taco. You want me to send you one of them shit tacos Bill711?

I never left my place Bill711 The dung pie muncher, Im always here.
Joe Ribaudo
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Mission Accomplished?

Post by Joe Ribaudo »

While the number of replies has dwindled to a trickle, the views are (probably) unchanged. There is really not much to reply to.

As I think back over what has happened since Wyatt joined the forum, I can only guess at his reasons for these insane posts. The first thing that comes to mind, is that he wanted to accomplish what seems to be the destruction of this site.

The management? seems unwilling to curtail this "free speach"? campaign
by an enemy of the forum.

Two things can happen here. We can ignore this character and go back to our former ramblings, or those who have stopped posting can continue to read and watch things deteriorate.

There has been some effort by a few members to get new topics started, and most of the "respected" old timers have remained silent, for the most part. With their collective knowledge, it would be nice to see those people come up with some topics of interest. I don't believe we have "discussed" ourselves out of topics.


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