Just checking

Discuss information about the Lost Dutchman Mine
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wily coyote

Post by bill711 »

Peter; I do know how to spell as well as most, on the web, But my fingers do not serve me as well. I,m not a clumsy type but the keyboard is alittle small for me, and I have not learned it that well. If you think my spelling is atrocious you should see some Of old Mrs. Yandall,s report,s in the county paper. The 80+ year old lady spelled every word exactly like it sounded. She was well read all over the world. She would tell about everything from the smallest chick to hatch out to the blue bells sprouting out in the spring. If someone came by and cut her some fire wood she would tell about it. One day a new employ at the news paper decided to cleanup her mispelling, He labored changing he report to where everything was spelled just correct as can be, and sent it in to be printed. The next issue of paper came out and You could hear the phone calls and the mailed in compaint that came in about them snanitizing Mrs. Yandalls spelling. The news paper had complaints from Hog Kong, France, Germany, England, from the american retirement centers down in mexico and alaska. The complaints demanded that they put Mrs. Yandall piece back in exactly as she wrote it. Everyone got a big kick and enjoyed reading her piece just the way she wrote it. The employ got an a-s chewing for messing things up and had to apologize to Mrs. Yandall in the paper. People would give their kinfolks and friends a gift issue of the paper and have it sent to them where ever so they could read the happening and everyone just loved reading the old lady,s piece. Bill
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Post by Peter »


Thanks for the story of Mrs Yandall. I'm sure there was a point in there that you were trying to make, but it has so far escaped me....Anyway, my apologies for poking fun at your writing style. I've seen much worse on this forum. You post whatever you like, it's always an interesting read.

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wily coyote

Post by bill711 »

DED; Here in the south and southwest We take great pride in our guns, knives, and tomahawk,s. We take great pride and joy in our shooting ability. We love to hunt, We admire the animals even tho we hunt them. We pay alot for the privelidge to be able to hunt them. I don,t beleive that 99% of the hunters would kill anything for the FUN of it. We hunt to hearvest and to eat them. Yes we raise the wild things just like the domestic EXCEPT we raise them in the wilds and not in fenced pastures. We do not kill and leave meat to waste, If we do not want it for our selves we give it to charity for the boys or girls homes. BUT we fight for our rights to have and to carry guns as our right under the 2nd amendment. We all know that the pc crowd would like to do away with our rights. We are real hot tempered over the issue and we get mad easy over it. We do carry a gun sometimes BUT we do not carry it to feel BIG? or to threaten anyone. If someone is threatening us we may use it if the situation gets to that point who knows BUT we do NOT carry it hoping to kill someone with it. WE like to buy and trade guns and equipment, It,s fun and you meet alot of real fine people doing it. If someone breaks the hunting laws they can LOSE their guns, auto and equipment, GET a BIG fine, Time in the JAIL. This is very serious business. We do take pride in our shooting abilities. we hope that we will not ever have to shoot anyone with our guns, it makes a very big mess and no matter how innocent it will cost you money before its thru and put to rest. I hope this helps you understand us better. Bill
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wily coyote

Post by bill711 »

Peter; I,m sorry I should have remembered that I have to corner you up more than most writers. The POINT is this if you think my spelling is atrocious you would really go ballistic if you had ever seen Mrs. Yandalls. BUT you could follow her message or idea from the beginning to the end. Bill
dutch elm disease
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Post by dutch elm disease »

i do indeed understand the way of life u describe and of course its each to his own...i wouldnt try to change your viewpont or try to pass off yourbeliefs as misguidedness. we each lead our lives (hopefully as our conscience dictates) and infairness you werent the one ridiculing my beliefs. if others wish to get mad over anothers beliefs thats their lack of understanding coming to the fore not mine.but its not a crusade im embarked on but no doubt a few of the followers or bootlickers might try to make it sound as such.me? im just about done with this forum...the intolerance...the pigheadedness.. the supposedl superior air some adopt
..the dismissive attitude...the attempts to inflame and then to accuse the one who responds as being the inciter...the bullshit i can stand one encounters that in everyday life all the time...no doubt theres more than a few that will not mourn my passing..and indeed that in itself is a nice bonus :lol: ive made a few friends too on here and have exchanged some interesting information in private...for that im grateful.so adios the 4 friends....l leave as my bequest a poem by the bard...rab burns its in archaicscottish so might take some deciphering but a message exists in it for us all ..but in particular ta few membersmight take special note

a prince can mak a belted knight
a marquis,duke,an a that
but an honest mans aboon his might
gude faith,he mauna fa that
for a that,an a that
their dignities an a that
the pith o sense,an pride o worth
are higher rank than that

is there for honest poverty
that hings his head an a that
the coward slave-we pass him by
we dare be poor for a that
for a that,an a that
the rank is but the guineas stamp
the mans the gowd for a that

andfior the abusive posts that will no doubt follow get a life!
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Post by bill711 »

DED; I,m very disappointed in you letting a few sneer,s and slurs run you off the site. I thought you had more RAMBO blood than that. MY ADVICE is when someone bites you on the butt just fart real big and he will be glad to turn loose. Guns as politic,s, relegion can be a hot topic. BUT don,t let it crush your feelings so bad you will drop out. We are just now getting to know one another, all of us! How can you be a friend until you have a good fuss and fight? Then you get to understand one another. You get to know how one another thinks about and on things. Don,t drop out. Bill
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Post by lazarus »

I would be dissappointed if you dropped out. You made me laugh, and were able to break the voodoo that was dragging me down...Now you feel unwelcome...face the facts, you are an important part of this forum. This is tricky stuff. If I was graded for my spelling, well...thank God for Spellcheck.
Stick around...I owe you a book and an explanation someday in the near future.
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Post by lazarus »

That goes double for you...
See... I can't even get everyone's name straight. You are also very important this this forum. Don't dry up and blow away...just let it go.
Just let it rest. We enjoy your input!
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just checking

Post by bill711 »

Lasarus; I was not going anywhere. I was trying to keep Dutch Elm Desease from quiting. DED, has gotten disgusted and his feeling hurt. I am not quiting Laz. Bill
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Post by lazarus »

Sorry Bill,
I lost track...too many distractions in my office. I'm glad you are sticking around...
Now we need to work on DED so he doesn't bolt. We all need to find some common ground before we can expect to find the Dutchman.
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Post by bill711 »

Lasarus-DED; If we don,t find the lost dutchman maybe we can at least learn where it is not... thanks laz. Bill
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Post by lazarus »

dutch elm disease
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Post by dutch elm disease »

yes bill lazarus of course your right....if he wants a row ...he can have one ...him and his small band of arselicking sycophants lol!
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Post by Knun »

I must apologize.

My last post was an ill advised attempt at humor also designed to "get a rise" out of you. Shortly after posting I reviewed it and realized it had crossed the line and I attempted to delete it. Unfortuneatly others had posted after and I could not retract what I had written. So it stands in stone.

I, for one, enjoy your input here and would hate to think I had contributed to your backing away.

With that said.......I still don't think you could hit two out of forty quail! There is one way to find out!!!!!
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just checking

Post by bill711 »

DED; What you need to do is threaten to come and stay with knun for a week or two and eat him out of house and home. He will be very careful with his choice of words afterwards. Bill :roll:
Joe Ribaudo
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Good Answer

Post by Joe Ribaudo »


Honest and well done response. Good for you!


dutch elm disease
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Post by dutch elm disease »

ok knun no harm done maybe i should not take offense so quickly either.
its now in the past as far as im concerned.thanks
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Post by Peter »


Does this mean you are not going to leave the forum and then have your dog do the postings? I was kinda looking forward to that again.

Joe Ribaudo
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Making A Connection

Post by Joe Ribaudo »


Heidi also misses you. I had no idea you two had so much in common.

Great minds....At last, someone you could understand. :lol:


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Post by Peter »

Yep. Maybe "DED" has a pup named "Hans" that will begin posting soom. That will be fun !
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just checking

Post by bill711 »

BOY,S ,BOY,S,BOY,S;We are all independent thinker,s and as such we should look foreword to alittle blood letting every now and then. I think it would be very boring without it...Bill
Posts: 919
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just checking

Post by bill711 »

BOY,S ,BOY,S,BOY,S;We are all independent thinker,s and as such we should look foreward to alittle blood letting every now and then. I think it would be very boring without it...Bill
Joe Ribaudo
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Good Idea

Post by Joe Ribaudo »


That's a great thought. Perhaps we could do a conference call with Hans, Heidi and yourself. One of you would, of course, have to take the lead in the conversation. It would never do to have you all yammering at once,
although I must say that Heidi is very well behaved. Not having had the chance to meet Hans, it could get dicey. :lol: :lol: :lol:


dutch elm disease
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Post by dutch elm disease »

i shouldnt worry too much bill.. not about "peters" remarks anyway..he rarely if ever says anything of any importance.however he was first off the mark with the assylum "breakout" story, although rumour has it that he was in fact the first "escapee" rather ingeniously engineering his liberty by means of a laundry basket. the fate of his "tag team" partner remains unknown. an alternative theory of course and one its hard to ascertain the truth of is that the assylum governors deliberately left the back door open because his pomposity was upsetting the other patients and causing unrest.
yours sincerely
"ded" joe jnr and lately by peters decree rechristened "hans"
Joe Ribaudo
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No Invitation to Leave

Post by Joe Ribaudo »


It is good that you have decided to stay with us. If you left and came back, you would never live it down. Trust me.

This is Ron's site. He is the only one who could, legitimately, ever ask someone to leave. Until he suggests you may be happier on another site, you can assume you are welcome on his. I doubt he has ever booted anyone out.


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