support the troops

Anything goes. Politics, religion and your neighbors spouse. No censors, no dictators. Any and all opinions welcome.
Joe Ribaudo
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Telling Signature........

Post by Joe Ribaudo »


"never underestimate the power of stupid people"

There you go......bragging again. :)

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Post by pippinwhitepaws »

not one on topic post yet punkassjoie....
typical behavior from the morally bankrupt...

200,000 homeless veterans
50% of the suicidal vets ignored by department of veterans affairs.
top psychologist at the va forced to resign

oh yes punkassjoie...keep it up...smoke screens are far more effective in your twisted world than truth.

filthy criminal. you sure impress all the voices in your head.
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The La Guardia Report

Post by critter »


Wrong again, Joe. Here's where you can get an education on the harmlessness of marihuana... ... agmenu.htm

...and La Guardia was a republican. Of course, he caught a lot of flack for not towing the party line and eventually capitulated, but the report is still one of the most comprehensive of its kind.

Now, go take your pain killers.

Fuck off, Joe!

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Post by lazarus »


Joe is an alcoholic of the worst kind. He is one of those pathetic cowards who thinks he is somehow elevated by his shit talk.

Joe is so pathetic, his favorite movie is 'Paint Your Wagon' starring Lee Marvin, another pathetic alcoholic. Know the breed and know the dog.

In fact, last rendezvous, I caught Joe dressed like a cop, trying to intimidate children who were visiting the Dons Club. Of course, nether Joe, nor the uniform had any authority out there. He's that kind of coward.

Joe has no life. He has no real friends. He is just a lonely drunk with a big mouth and very little common sense. Someday, someone is going to confront him man to man and Joe is not going to walk away with a smile.

Joe Ribaudo
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Internet Courage......

Post by Joe Ribaudo »


It's amazing how much you are beginning to sound like everything you, and your alter ego, have called me. See how easy it is to become the very thing you hate, with the proper provocation........which does not even approach killing thousands of people in one day. Now you want to "beat me down....." etc. You really are a closet warmonger, aren't you?

Each and every year I have shown up at the Rendezvous, despite the constant threats of violence from Internet terrorists. You are one of those spineless people who have raised their pathetic heads out of the mud to spit your own brand of venom. Not a difficult task, as anyone who has wasted a little time and visited your Blog, knows.

I have been to war, and have no love for the task. Having been there, I do realize there are people out there who will never respond to anything but brute force. It could be that you are one of those people.......but that seems a bit of a reach. There are also some cowards who can work themselves into such a fury, that they actually believe in the Rambo image that they imagine themselves to be. Try to resist that insane urge.

I am now 63 years old and have not had to physically hurt anyone for many, many years. In truth, I haven't even had the urge. Perhaps the natural instinct and training are too long gone to recall when needed. Who knows, since it's been so long.

I do support our troops, and their mission in Iraq. If our leaders decide we need to take on Iran, I will support that decision. For that opinion you and the rest of your brave little band have called me every name in the book. That is your real battle mode, children shouting names from the other side of the playground.

While you may do what you have threatened, I will not let you or anyone else change my way of living.....for even one minute.

Joe Ribaudo
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Post by NeedleMan »

It may therefore be concluded that certain types of learning ability are not affected by small amounts (2 cc.) of marihuana, but are impaired when larger amounts (5 cc.) are ingested.

(Table 9) (Table 10)

Cancelling a Geometric Form The results of this test are shown in Table 10.

With 2 cc. of marihuana, there was a slight falling off in the subject's efficiency occurring about three hours after drug ingestion.

At that time he was 3 per cent less efficient than he had been an hour previous. With S cc. of marihuana there was a slowing up in the subject's ability to carry out the appointed task, which was apparent two hours after drug ingestion (and possibly earlier). At that time there was only a 4 per cent increment over his initial score as compared with a 10 per cent increment in the undrugged state and a 12 per cent increment when the 2 cc. dosage had been administered.

He improved only slightly at the three- and four-hour testing interval, and only at the five-hour interval did he show an appreciable improvement.

Apparently, the carrying out of a simple routine task is adversely affected to a slight degree and for a short period of time as the result of the ingestion of 2 cc. of marihuana while the ingestion of S cc. of the drug produces adverse effects which are more severe and more lasting.

Performance Tests Seguin Form Board. For adults of average intelligence this test is primarily one involving speed of reaction time. The average time taken by the subjects when they were not under the influence of marihuana was 12.8 seconds. This was increased to 14.0 and 14.1 seconds under doses of 2 cc. and 5 cc. respectively. Thus, ingestion of marihuana in 2 cc. and 5 cc. doses caused a 9 per cent delay in performance time.

Form Boards. The time scores for this test remained practically the same whether no drug, 2 cc. or 5 cc. of marihuana had been administered, the average scores in terms of mental age being respectively 11.7, 11.7 and 11.9 years. The error scores also showed little change as a result of drug ingestion, the averages in terms of mental age being 9.7 years (no marihuana), 9.9 years (2 cc.) and 10.2 years (5 cc.), and what change occurred was in a positive direction, that is, there was a very slight improvement in the subject's performance when he was under the influence of marihuana.

Kohs Block Design. This test correlates more highly with abstract intelligence than do any of the other performance tests. Here the drug had a definitely deleterious effect when it was administered in large amounts. The average score was 17.6 when the subjects were not under the influence of marihuana and 14.8 after they had ingested the drug; that is, under S cc. of marihuana there was a 16 per cent loss in score as compared with undrugged results.

In general it appears that those functions most closely as sociated with higher intellectual processes are more impaired by the drug than are the simpler functions.
Memory Tests Rote Memory. As measured by the ability to repeat digits forward there were no changes in rote memory as a result of drug ingestion, the average scores under no drug, 2 cc. of marihuana, and 5 cc. of marihuana being in each case 7.1.

Digits Reversed. Although the giving of digits in reverse order is always grouped with memory testss this task actually requires something over and above mere recall. It demands a mental control not necessary in tests dependent purely upon rote memory. Although simple rote memory, as measured by the ability to repeat digits forward, was not affected by the ingestion of marihuana, the repetition of digits reversed was affected adversely. In the undrugged state the average for the group was 5.4, with 2 cc. the average was 5.0, and with S cc. it was 4.8. The impairment was comparatively small but it seems to have been related to the amount of drug taken.

Object Memory. The average scores under no drug, 2 cc. of marihuana, and 5 cc. of marihuana were respectively 6.2, 5.6, and 5.9- that is, there was a loss of about 9 per cent in the subject's ability to recall objects which had been exposed to his vision for three seconds when he took the test under the influence of 2 cc. of marihuana, while after the ingestion of 5 cc. the impairment was less, being only about 5 per cent. This seemingly contradictory result is probably due to the fact that by the time the subjects took the test under the influence of 5 cc. most of them had already had it two times previously. The loss in terms of absolute number of remembered articles was slight.

Visual Memory. In this test as in the case of digits reversed something over and above simple memory function is involved. A capacity for analysis and synthesis which correlates well with intelligence is required for the successful execution of this task, and it is this function which is adversely affected by the ingestion of marihuana. The average scores were 10.3 (no drug), 9.7 (2 cc.) and 7.8 (5 cc.); that is, after the ingestion of 2 cc. of marihuana there was a 6 per cent drop in score, while under 5 cc. there was a 24 per cent drop.

In general one may conclude that simple memory functions are not affected by the administration of marihuana while the more complex memory functions are affected adversely, the extent of the impairment being related to the amount of drug taken.

Throughout the examination of subjects on individual tests, the same difference was observed in intensity of the effect upon user and non-user as was noted in group tests.
Experiments with Marihuana cigarettes In addition to the tests made to determine the effect of the ingestion of marihuana on various intellectual functions, several experiments were tried with marihuana cigarettes. The tests used in this part of the study were the Bellevue Adult Intelligence Test; the Woody McCall Mixed Fundamentals Test, Form I, which consists of thirty-five examples requiring addition, subtraction, multiplication or division; a cancellation test in which the subject is required to cross out a specific number (in this instance the number 8) wherever it appears on a sheet covered with rows of numbers; the Kohs Block Design Test; and the test for rote, object, and visual memory.

The subjects took the test series and individual tests twice, once without the drug and once after having smoked marihuana cigarettes. They were not given a specific number of cigarettes but were told to smoke until they felt "high." The number of cigarettes smoked to produce this effect ranged from two to seven.

The Mixed Fundamentals and cancellation tests were given as group tests and were repeated at half-hour intervals for two and a half hours. In the series given when the subjects were "high," the first test was taken as soon as the cigarettes had been smoked. Time limit on each test was one and a half minutes.

The Bellevue Adult, Kohs, and memory tests were given as individual tests and were administered only twice, once before the subject had smoked marihuana cigarettes and once after he had become "high" from smoking them. If during the course of the examination he wanted another cigarette or the examiner had reason to suspect that he was no longer under the influence of the drug, more cigarettes were smoked. The number of cigarettes used during a three-hour testing period ranged from six to twelve.

In the cancellation, Kohs, and memory tests the subjects were so divided that half took the tests for the first time before they had smoked and half after they had smoked. In the Woody McCall Mixed Fundamentals Test more non-users had their first tests before they had smoked. The Bellevue Adult Intelligence Test was always given first without the drug during the two or three days immediately following the subject's admission. Four weeks later the test was repeated on 10 subjects while they were under the influence of marihuana cigarettes.

Bellevue Adult Intelligence Test Ten subjects, 5 users and 5 non-users, repeated this test under the influence of marihuana. The results are shown in Table 11.

(TABLE 11)

Since the test taken when the subject was "high" was always his second experience with it, some allowance must be made for practice effect. Without drug the average I.Q. of these subjects was 101.6, while after they had smoked cigarettes it was 104.4. This increase of only 2.8 points is smaller than one would probably get with repetition occurring after such a short time interval. It may be concluded, therefore, that smoking marihuana cigarettes has some negative effect on intellectual functioning, in that the subject benefits less from previous experiences than he would if he had not smoked.
Woody McCall Mixed Fundamentals Test, Form 1 This test was given to 24 subjects, 10 users and 14 non-users.

>From the results which are shown in Table 12 it may be concluded that when the subject was "high" after smoking marihuana cigarettes there was a slowing up in his ability to do simple arithmetic calculations. This lag occurred within the first half-hour after smoking and continued for at least an hour. The deleterious effect was not such as to cause an actual loss in ability but the increments resulting from repeated practice were never as great in the drugged as in the undrugged state. Thus, the initial increment was 10 per cent in the test given before smoking and only 4 per cent in the one administered after the subject had become "high." The final increment at the end of two and a half hours was 20 per cent without drug, 13 per cent with drug.

This test measures the subject's ability to use acquired knowledge.

Under the influence of marihuana cigarettes the capacity for using such an acquired skill is not lost but is slowed down. The adverse effect of smoking marihuana in cigarette form occurs almost immediately in contrast to the delayed action of the pills.

(TABLE 12)

Cancelling 8's Sixteen subjects, 8 users and 8 non-users, took this test, the results of which are shown in Table 13. As a result of smoking marihuana cigarettes the subject worked a little slower in his execution of a routine task than he did when he had not smoked. The increment over the initial score in the test score made a half-hour after he became "high" was only 7 per cent as against an increment of 9 per cent when the cigarettes had not been smoked. His performance was slowed up for one hour after smoking and possibly longer.

(TABLE 13)

Kohs Block Design Test This test, which measures performance ability, was given to a total of 9 subjects, 6 users and 3 non-users. The average score without the drug was 18.5, and after cigarettes had been smoked 14.7. This difference in score of 3.8 points indicates a loss in efficiency of 21 per cent.

Memory Tests Rote Memory. Thirteen users and 9 non-users took this test.

Neither in repeating digits forward nor in giving them in reverse did the subjects show any disadvantageous effects from the use of marihuana cigarettes, the average scores before and after smoking being 6.9 and 7.1 respectively for the digits forward test and 5.2 and 5.1 for the digits reversed test. The only explanation for this deviation from the results obtained when marihuana was taken in pill form is the inability to control the dosage when marihuana is given in cigarette form.

Object Memory. Thirteen subjects took this test. Object memory was not impaired by the smoking of marihuana, the average scores being 6.8 before the cigarettes were smoked and 7.1 when the subjects were "high." Visual Memory. There was an .8 point loss (from 10-5 to 9.7) in the average score of the 20 subjects, 11 users and 9 non-users, who took this test. This represents an impairment of about 8 per cent.

Effect of Marihuana Cigarettes on Users and Non-Users The difference in intensity of effect of marihuana cigarettes on the user and on the non- user was not the same as the difference in the effect of the marihuana concentrate on these two groups. The user was usually more affected by smoking marihuana than was the non- user, probably because the nonuser did not smoke as much or as intensely as the user and was not as much under the influence of the drug.
7-8% Impairment. Huh, let me see......

Since humans only use less than 1% of brain capacity that means PIP and Brad are both operating at a negative 106% of their brain output at any given time. Of course this gets larger when bigger amounts of Pot are ingested so you may say from this study that PIP and Brad are running about a negative 130% brain capacity.

That gives them an IQ of about 10.

Normal is 100.

Makes perfetct sense based on their postings.

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Post by NeedleMan »

PS I support the troops 100%.

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Wow! You can read!

Post by critter »

...Now if you could only think!

Dirty Needles,

Just as anyone who's arguing from a weaker standpoint would do, you've given us only a small part of the information. Those are some of the results of some of the tests done in that study. There were many other tests done. If you're having trouble interpreting the results, then perhaps you should read the Conclusion and Summary sections.

Here's the one most relevant to this discussion:

Conclusion #7:

"The practice of smoking marihuana does not lead to addiction in the medical sense of the word."

If Joe were any kind of man, he would apologise to Brad.

'Nuff said

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Post by Joe Ribaudo »


There are many signs and definitions of addiction. If you try to hide your use of a drug from family and friends, that's one. If you have to leave in the middle of a conversation to smoke another joint, that's another. If your personality has huge swings of irrational behavior, that's another.

Let me make a wild guess here.......I am not the first person to tell you that you have a problem.

I owe you an apology? You should thank me and everyone else who has tried to wake you up.

Here's your final clue as to how bad your problem is: After calling me every filthy name you could conjure up and telling everyone you would not be coming to last year's Rendezvous because your wife could not stand to be around me, not only did you come.... But both of you gave me a big smile and hug.

Anyone who has been.......around, can tell from your insane posts here, that you have a serious problem.

Read back through my posts, and you will see how someone who is not addicted to drugs, alcohol or pain medications (I don't have anything stronger than Tylenol) replies to crazy people.....usually. :lol:

Take care of yourself,

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Joe is being irrational

Post by critter »


Your viewpoint actually contradicts the science on the subject, which by definition makes you the irrational one.

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General Information.......

Post by Joe Ribaudo »


Your former home is looking for you. They are probably also missing the sage advise of the Blindbowman.

If you are lost and can't find your way home, here is a map:

Have a nice trip, :)

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Was that Tylenol 3?

Post by critter »

Still no "facts" for us, Joe? Pretty pathetic of you to roll over when challenged.

Maybe you'll find some of those "facts" when you come down from the paranoid delusion.

Have another,

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Post by lazarus »

Joe Bravado is delusional at best. I don't know how he could still think you and I are the same person, but it's definitely a sickness.

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Joe's issues

Post by critter »

I know, I even purposely gave him my IP address so he could see we are separated by thousands of miles. We even spell differently and have completely different approaches to this forum. He's very obviously not living in reality. Anyone who'd dress up in a cop uniform and pretend to have some authority is not only a complete loser but probably has personality issues of their own. I wonder how many usernames he has. It's usually the accusational kind that do what they accuse others of doing.

Fuck off, Joe!

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Post by don »

I thought all this nonsense had stopped a year or so ago....but I guess nothing changes....theres an old saying joe it goes something like...never argue with an idiot(s)cos if you do it for long enough people wont be able to tell the difference.......not sure if i got that right but thats the general idea.
dont let the buggers get you down joe.
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Post by Joe Ribaudo »


Thank you for the supportive words. I have, pretty much, slowed down on these forums. Too much drug induced insanity to carry on much of a dialog. You are on the money, just hope it's not too late for me. :)

I hope all is well with you and the family.

Take care,

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Post by pippinwhitepaws »

Too much drug induced insanity to carry on much of a dialog.


that is how you rationalize your inability to keep up....

200,000 homeless veterans
43,000 unfit for duty troops sent to combat zone
same old song with the department of veterans affairs...for the heros of iraq...

same old song with the punkassjoe...
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Post by pippinwhitepaws » the way....historically...

in ALL cultures across the globe,since the dawn of mankind, altered states of consciousness has been a respected and necessary method of accessing the sacred. this is true with the early christians/jewish/islamic religions as well as every other spiritual group ever to walk this planet.

an i'm the idiot? KMA :lol:
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Fuck off Don!

Post by critter »

I find it interesting that Joe thinks it is difficult to carry on any kind of dialog here. I've been waiting for over a year now for him to articulate a coherent viewpoint. If he's not on drugs, then he's just plain stupid.

Fuck off, Joe...and Don...Fuck off too!

Kick ass,

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Post by lazarus »

well... the stupid part is pretty obvious at this juncture.

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Post by don »

I might leave.....but I wont "fuck off"..... YOU can "fuck off" fact you may as well,as on the evidence of your input hereyou dont appear to be serving any useful purpose.
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You are offensive!

Post by critter »


It looks like I've hit a nerve. That is exactly what I intended to do. I'm glad that you've reacted the way you did and I hope that you take offense. I hope you are just as offended by my comments as I am by the illegal war, deaths of civilians, and lies told by politicians that you support. As long as you support these vile and dispicable acts, then I hope to cause you as much offense as possible.

Fuck off, Don!

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Post by lazarus »


why don't you just fuck off and leave? You have about as much integrity as the rest of these shit for brains warmongers. Why should anyone treat you with even a modicum of respect? 4590 dead Americans, all of whom you are complicit in murdering. You sent them off to kill and die for greed and lies. You are a fucking worthless excuse for humanity.

So go ahead...
bring it on, or as Richard Cheney would say:

Go fuck yourself!

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Post by lazarus »

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan said on Wednesday an "unprovoked and cowardly" air strike by U.S. forces had killed 11 Pakistani soldiers on its border with Afghanistan and undermined the basis of security cooperation.

In its strongest criticism of the U.S. military since joining the U.S.-led campaign against terrorism, the Pakistani military condemned the killing of the 11 paramilitary soldiers, including an officer. If confirmed, it would be the most Pakistani soldiers ever killed in an attack by U.S. forces.

More killing by cowardly warmongers
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Post by don »

YOU didnt hit a raw nerve,you are so dumb you couldnt hit an elephants ass from a distance of 6 inches.Why dont you and your puppy lazarus grow up a little?
I saw the aftermath of the london bombings in person a little while ago,and but for the grace of god I might have joined those poor mutilated ,torn to bits victims ,either in hospital or in a box. no doubt if I had ,and you had been aware of it,you would have cheered,and said "thats another warmonger out of the way". The difference is ,partly, between them and us is that if "they" stopped their terrorist attacks, stopped killing jews, lived peaceabley.....then we would stop fighting them.However if "we" withdrew from iraq,left them alone, "they" would continue with their murderous campaign,until we were all dead or converted muslims.....its probabley hard for you two to see that,sitting in your smoke filled,seaside shithouse in disney world.
So as i said Im not gonna "fuck off" but you two certainly can..I doubt whether you would be missed.
Don update your email address
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